Chandrayaan-3 vs. Chandrayaan-2: 10 Key Differences


Intriguing facts that set Chandrayaan-3 apart from its predecessor, Chandrayaan-2.


Chandrayaan-2's Endeavor Chandrayaan-2's daring attempt at a soft landing on the Moon faced technical hurdles, but laid the foundation for Chandrayaan-3's success.

1. Challenge of Soft Landing

Chandrayaan-3's Expanded Reach Chandrayaan-3 boasts improved thrusters and stronger legs, enabling it to target a larger landing area: 4km x 2.5 km.

2. Precision Landing Area

Chandrayaan-3's Fortitude Chandrayaan-3's advancements in sensors, software, and propulsion result in robustness, allowing it to autonomously handle dispersion variations.

3. Enhanced Robustness

Chandrayaan-3 Leveraging Chandrayaan-2 Chandrayaan-3 utilizes data from Chandrayaan-2's orbiter, optimizing landing accuracy and success.

4. Data Synergy

Chandrayaan-3's Scientific Marvel Chandrayaan-3's SHAPE payload studies Earth's spectral and polarimetric measurements, providing unique insights from the lunar orbit.

5. Spectro-polarimetry Payload

Chandrayaan-3's Sustained Operation With additional solar panels, Chandrayaan-3 generates power after landing, ensuring prolonged operational capability.

6. Power Generation

Chandrayaan-3's Exploration Chandrayaan-3 resurrects the lost rover opportunity, allowing Pragyan to explore the lunar surface.

7. Pragyan Rover's Return

Chandrayaan-3's Precision Planning Chandrayaan-3's meticulous launch and landing timeline showcase India's dedication to space exploration.

8. Mission Timeline

Chandrayaan-3's Significance Chandrayaan-3's strides in technology and exploration pave the way for India's ambitious space endeavors.

9. Future Vision

Chandrayaan-3's Legacy As Chandrayaan-3 prepares to make its mark, the story of space exploration continues to unfold, inspiring generations to reach for the stars.

10. The Cosmic Journey Continues

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