The UPSC has announced the results of the Civil Services Preliminary Examination conducted on June 28.
The roll numbers of provisionally selected candidates for the UPSC CSE mains examination have been published.
The list of selected candidates can be checked on the official UPSC website: or
The UPSC aims to fill around 1,105 vacancies through the UPSC Civil Services Preliminary examination 2023.
Candidates can follow simple steps to download their results from the UPSC website.
The candidature of selected candidates is provisional, and they need to fulfill additional requirements.
Selected candidates must complete the Detailed Application Form-I (DAF-I) for the Civil Services (Main) Examination.
Dates and instructions for DAF-I submission will be announced on the UPSC website.a
Cut-off marks and answer keys for the screening test of the Indian Forest Service Examination 2023 will be released after the final result is declared.