Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the G20 summit, urging the conversion of the global trust deficit.

He highlights the parallel between overcoming Covid-19 and conquering the trust deficit, instilling hope and determination.

Modi advocates for a human-centric approach in fulfilling responsibilities, emphasizing the need for innovative solutions to age-old challenges.

The mantra 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas' resonates globally, signifying inclusive growth, trust-building, and leveraging collective strengths.

'Sabka Saath' calls for collective action to confront challenges that transcend borders, affecting all of humanity.

'Sabka Vikas' prioritizes inclusive development, focusing on the well-being and progress of every nation and region.

'Sabka Vishwas' emphasizes the significance of trust, urging the acknowledgment and representation of all stakeholders' aspirations and voices.

'Sabka Prayas' underscores the importance of harnessing each country's distinct strengths and talents in advancing global welfare.

The 21st century plays a pivotal role in reshaping global dynamics, demanding innovative solutions and a collaborative approach to challenges.

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