Mamata Banerjee's recent address on Trinamul Martyrs’ Day showcased her new role as a pan-India leader.

She aimed to connect with a wider audience and emphasized her role as an accommodating constituent of the INDIA alliance.

The speech focused on how INDIA would checkmate the BJP in the 2024 elections.

"Jeetega Bharat" was the rallying slogan for the pan-India alliance of 26 anti-BJP parties.

Mamata expressed her happiness in creating an inclusive alliance called INDIA and emphasized their collective victory under this banner.

Her vision was of a rebuilt India, emphasizing development, unity, and harmony, led by the INDIA alliance.

Mamata projected herself as a leader willing to work selflessly for the protection of India's idea and prosperity.

She criticized the BJP, particularly Prime Minister Narendra Modi, for resorting to polarizing tactics and neglecting real issues.

Her approach towards the CPM also softened, focusing on defending her party and seeking funds for welfare schemes.

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